Monday, August 24, 2009

It is hard to believe that we have had 3 weeks of school already. All the teachers have the students actively engaged in all sorts of fun learning experiences. I was able to see Mrs. Hixson's class working on the divisibility rules for 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's. All of them seemed to be getting the rules and applying them to large numbers on the board. I know that she also had a Promethean Board lesson that the students did that allowed them to apply what they had learned in class. I also was able to see Mrs. Dercola doing calendar math with her students. It is amazing how many math skills can be learned just by doing the calendar each day. The best part of the week though was seeing the students playing partner Math games. I saw students playing a game that reinforced place value as well as a guessing game that allowed students to talk about characteristics of numbers (odd, even, greater than, less than, etc.). The students were having fun while they were learning, and that is what it is all about.
I was able to meet most of my goals for week 3.
1) I was able to get into each classroom for a few minutes each day. It is nice to see the students progressing through the year.
2) As I stated before, I was able to see some creative math lessons, but I still haven't seen one from each class.
3) The Carnival is getting planned. We have the date set for October 24th. We have a parent planning meeting this Friday at 7:30 (August 28th). We have gotten a foursome of golf donated as a raffle prize, and some other very promising prospects.
4) The Kindergarten Family Night was a big success. We had almost 150 people here. Thanks to all the Kindergarten Teachers and instructional assistants as well as Ms. Bachman, Dr. Jordan, and Ms. Lott for their help. It seemed like all the families were enjoying themselves.
Goals for week 4
1) Continue to get into all the classrooms.
2) See some technology incorporated into lessons.
3) Continue to plan the Carnival and our first Hot Dogs and Homework on September 3rd.
4) Find Zero Hero!!!

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