Friday, November 19, 2010

Round the World Night is huge success!

Thursday, November 18th was a fantastic night at Kennedy Elementary School. Parents and their children were able to "travel" to 6 of the 7 continents without ever leaving Winder, Georgia. This was in part to Kennedy's teachers, PTO, and HealthMPowers working together to put on Kennedy Elementary School's first "Round the World Night". This was a 2-week unit that every class taught. The teachers were given their continent, and then each of them chose which country they would use to teach their Georgia Performance Standards through. 28 countries in all were taught for those two weeks along with the music, art, and Physcial Education teachers teaching games, music, and art from around the world. Thursday night was the culminating presentation of all their learning. Over 575 people signed in as "world travelers" with probably another 300 who did not sign in for the night. Each family was given a passport to record their travels and off they went. They were treated to music, art work, literature, travel guides, wonderful food cooked by our awesome PTO(HealthMPowers provided the recipes to help make them not just international but also healthy), and some really fun games. This was a fantastic time of family bonding and everyone who came seemed to have a great time. A 5th grade student told me, "That was the most fun that I have ever had with my parents!"; a kindergarten student said, "I loved it, especially playing 'Tininkling' with my mom from the Philippines."; and a 3rd grade said, "That was great; I went to all 28 countries!".
Our PTO also gave away a $100 international gift package ($25 @ Olive Garden, $25 @ PF Changs, $25 @ On The Border, and $25 @ Outback Steakhouse) to one of the lucky travelers. Ms. Taylor was the lucky winner while Ms. Bray-Teate, Ms. Brown, and Ms. Grossman were also winners as well. It really was a great time and we look forward to our Proud to be an American Family night in April.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Round the World Night

This Thursday, November 18th, Kennedy Elementary School will be having a "Round the World" Night. Each classroom has been learning about a different country (28 in total) and Thursday night will be the night to show off what they have learned. Parents are encouraged to come out with their child to visit countries from all around the world. Everyone who attends will be given a passport to record their travels and each person will be entered in to a drawing for a $100 gift package that includes gift cards from Outback Steakhouse, PF Changs, On the Border, and Olive Garden. We hope to see you there!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dad's Volunteer Day

Well it was not the turn out that I would have hoped, but the dads that did come out did a wonderful job of hanging art work for the Round the World Night, putting up our 10 Christmas trees, and recarpeting our stage. Thank you Mr. Reed and Mr. Murphy for all your help. You did a fantastic job; I really appreciate it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Boy am I tired!

Today I spent the day on a tricycle. I promised the school that if they sold over $7,000 in fundraising items that I would spend the entire day on a tricycle. Well, the students sold over $15,000; so today I rode a tricycle all day long.

A couple of things that I learned:

1) I am way too tall to be riding a tricycle!

2) My knees are way too old to be riding a tricycle!

3) I sure do like riding down the halls going that fast though!!

Thanks to all the students, parents, and grandparents that helped raise money so that KES can purchase Promethean Boards for our classes.