Friday, April 16, 2010

Have a wonderful Spring Break

I wish everyone a wonderful Spring Break. Please take this time to enjoy yourselves and your family. You all deserve a break. As a parent, I am always looking for affordable fun ideas to do with my family. I have included some below to help you enjoy your Spring Break if you are still looking for something to do.

1. Go to a mall exposition. The home remodeling show, holiday choir, or classic car exhibit can be educational as well as entertaining. During the holidays, malls often are decorated in festive fashion, making the experience more enjoyable and meaningful. You also may run into someone you know, which the kids will find exciting. Conclude your trip with an ice cream cone or cookie , and everyone will consider the outing a success.

2. Take a hike. Find a park that you haven't visited before, and select a trail at a level that is suitable for all family members. Bring a camera and snap photos of scenic views or the kids' scampering over fallen logs or tumbling streams. Pack raisins, candy bars, or pretzels with water bottles for a tasty outdoor treat. You may even want to grill hotdogs over a barbecue pit or cook graham crackers and marshmallow over an open fire afterward.

3. Visit the playground. Put on some comfortable clothes and head for the swings and slide, if they'll support adult weight. If not, give your kids a push on the swing or help little ones down the slide or to clamber on the monkey bars. Everyone will be all smiles after an hour or two of the adults reliving their childhoods as the kids enjoy theirs. You may even want to bring a small, hand-held tape recorder to capture each family members comments, yells, and laughter.

4. Rack out under the stars. On a nice evening when stars fill the sky, take a blanket or lawn chairs outside and get comfortable. Look for well-known and new constellations. Remind everyone to keep their eyes open for shooting stars. Scent the clear night air as you savor the quiet and identify night sounds of owls, frogs, and other nearby creatures. This might be a good time for ghost stories or childhood tales that the kids can pass along to their offspring someday.

5. Give someone a hand. While your first thought may be that volunteering is not exactly fun, the opposite can be true. Think of an early scene in Louisa May Alcott's classic story, Little Women. The sisters and their mother find great joy in helping a poor family who is struggling with scarlet fever. Parents and children who work together are likely to bond in a spirit of camaraderie and good will.
Whatever you decide to do for family entertainment, make it creative. You may discover new horizons that will draw your loved ones further a field in search of new adventures together. And you will give your kids priceless memories that will last the rest of their lives.
Ideas came from :

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