Thursday, October 15, 2009

Awards Day and Early Release

Today at KES we tried to accomplish as much as you could possible accomplish in one day, and we did it in just a half of a day. October 15, 2009 was Awards Day and report card day for every grade level. We tried something new this year by having it in the individual (or a couple of classes) classrooms instead of as an entire grade level in the media center. We wanted it to be a more intimate and welcoming environment that could be personalized by the teacher. (The cookies in Mrs. Ballard's Class were phenomenal I heard!) It was more personalized, but it made it very difficult for me, Dr. J, Mrs. Sears, and Ms. Bachman to get to every class without rushing around. I love seeing the students getting honored for their hard work and dedication, and I absolutely LOVE seeing parents faces when their child (or grandchild) gets recognized. I especially like it when they win the Dragon's Wings award for being Ready, Respectful, and Responsible.

We also had a guest today for our 3rd -5th Graders. Robert Belinic came to play his classical guitar for our upper grades. It was amazing to see him play and interact with our students. He played some Spanish classical music, some Bach, and even some Eric Clapton. Our students were a very good audience and were very respectful. They asked some very good questions, and I had many students comment on how they want to learn to play the guitar. I also learned that we have many student that already play and even have a band. I can not wait to hear CJ Lynch's band play.

We ended the day by leaving at 11:00 so that the teachers could have conferences. This was not the best laid out plan because we also had parents trying to leave from the awards ceremony as well. That was not the more intimate meeting I was looking for. We will look at improving that next time.

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