Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wax Museum

Today our 4th Graders put on their annual American Revolution Wax Museum. It was really neat to hear students from all 4 classes bring back to life some of our "Founding Founders" and those men and woman who shaped the foundation of our country.
I learned some very interesting things about our Patriots. I did not know that Benjamin Franklin invented a chair that turned into a ladder. It was news to me that both John Adams AND Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4th, 1826 (Exactly 50 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence). I also learned that Betsy Ross was married 3 times and that George Washington actually knocked on her door and asked her personally to sew a flag (I wonder if he would have emailed her today?). The most interesting thing I learned was that Deborah Sampson impersonated a man in order to serve in the Army.
I am so proud of all of our 4th Graders and the teachers for this culminating activity. It was very very good! They did not just achieve, they OVERACHIEVED!

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